Type 30 Series | |||||||
Model | Gasket Kit | Valve/Head Rebuild Kit | Ring/Gasket Kit | L.P. Piston Ring Kit | H.P. Piston Ring Kit | Bearing/Rod Kit | Major Overhaul Kit |
5T2NL | 37126711 | 32132912 | 32132920 | 32015109 | 32015117 | 32132938 | OK-5T2NL |
7T | 30420558 | 32133860 | 32133878 | 32015174 | 37138211 | 32127474 | OK-7T |
7T2 | 30420566 | 32133936 | 32133944 | 32015174 | 37138088 | 32127474 | OK-7T2 |
7T4 | 32134009 | 32133985 | 32217689 | 32015133 | 37138344 | 32127474 | OK-7T4 |
7V | 37001500 | 32133043 | 32213605 | 32194144 | N/A | 32127474 | OK-7V |
10T | 30418826 | 32127490 | 32133035 | 37138096 | 37138104 | 32132979 | OK-10T |
10T2 | 37007390 | 32134033 | 32134041 | 37138302 | 37184165 & 37138328 | 32132979 | OK-10T2 |
10T3NL | 37126729 | 32132953 | 32132961 | 32015109 | 32015125 | 32132979 | OK-10T3NL |
15T | 30418834 | 32127490 | 32218869 | 32015174 | 37138138 | 32127516 | OK-15T |
15T2 | 30423339 | 32133951 | 32226342 | 32194144 | 32015133 | 32127516 | OK-15T2 |
15T4 | 37007408 | 32134017 | 32257933 | 32298952 | 37138344 & 37138351 | 32127516 | OK-15T4 |
20T | 30423370 | 32133886 | 32133894 | 32015174 | 37138096 | 32127516 | OK-20T |
20T2 | 30423388 | 32134173 | 32134181 | 32015174 | 37138138 | 32127516 | OK-20T2 |
25T | 30423370 | 32133886 | 32133902 | 32194144 | 37138096 | 32127516 | OK-25T |
25T2 | 37190782 | 32127532 | 32127540 | 32194144 | 32194151 | 32127516 | OK-25T2 |
30T | 32153793 | 32157539 | 32194003 | 32194144 | 32194151 | 32127516 | OK-30T |
71T | 30420541 | HK-71T | TK-71T | 32194144 | 37138138 | 32127474 | OK-71T |
71T2 | 30420541 | 32127458 | 32194029 | 32194144 | 32015133 | 32127474 | OK-71T2 |
231 | 30420343 | 32134090 | 32202400 | 32015133 | 37138229 | 32127359 | OK-231 |
234 (OLD) | 30420327 | 32127334 | 32198301 | 32015133 | 37138237 | 32127359 | OK-234-1A or OK-234-1B |
234 (NEW)* | 32159311 | 32159337 | 32198301 | 32015133 | 37138237 | 32127359 | OK-234-2A or OK-234-2B |
242 | 32249302 | 32249294 | 32198319 | 32194151 | 37138211 | 32127391 | OK-242-A or OK-242-B |
253 | 30420434 | 32249278 | 32198327 | 32015174 | 32015133 | 32127433 | OK-253-A or OK-253-B |
255 | 30420442 | 32133084 | 32202434 | 32015174 | N/A | 32127433 | OK-255 |
2340 | 32307738 | 32304610 | 32304602 | 32194276 | 37138237 | 32127359 | OK-2340 |
2475 | 32301434 | 32301426 | 32301517 | 32307928 | 32307910 | 32301509 | OK-2475 |
2540 | 32229890 | 32229874 | 32198400 | 32015174 | 32198335 | 32204307 | OK-2540 |
2545 | 32307126 | 32307118 | 32307084 | 32307100 | 32307092 | 32204307 | OK-2545 |
3000 | 32229387 | 32229379 | 32194003 | 32194144 | 32194151 | 32310062 | OK-3000 |
7100 | 32229908 | 32229882 | 32194029 | 32194144 | 32015133 | 32127474 | OK-7100 |
For Compressors with Serial #'s 568000 and Above
Type 40 Series | |||||||
Model | Air Filter | L.P. Piston Ring Kit | H.P. Piston Ring Kit | L.P. Inlet Valve Assembly | H.P. Inlet Valve Assembly | L.P. Discharge Valve Assembly | H.P. Discharge Valve Assembly |
25 | 37122694 | 40011439 | 40011462 | 30386478 | 30405856 | 30405898 | 30386841 |
H25 | 37122694 | 40011413 | 40011421 | 30386478 | 30405674 | 30405898 | 30431183 |
L25 | 37122694 | 40011439 | 40011439 | 30386478 | 30386478 | 30405898 | 30405898 |
40 | 37122694 | 40011454 | 40011470 | 30309736 | 30386478 | 30309728 | 30405898 |
H40 | 37122694 | 40011447 | 40011462 | 30309736 | 30437818 | 30309728 | 30431159 |
L40 | 37126976 | 40011454 | 40011454 | 30309736 | 30309736 | 30309728 | 30309728 |
50 | 37126976 | 40011439 | 40011462 | 30386478 | 30405856 | 30405898 | 30386841 |
H50 | 37126976 | 40011413 | 40011421 | 30386478 | 30405674 | 30405898 | 30431183 |
L50 | 37158912 | 40011439 | 40011439 | 30386478 | 30386478 | 30405898 | 30405898 |
50A | 40051898 | 40011538 | 40011447 | 30309736 | 30405203 | 30309728 | 30405864 |
H50A | 40051898 | 40011454 | 40011462 | 30309736 | 30437818 | 30309728 | 30431159 |
L50A | 40051898 | 40011538 | 40011538 | 30309736 | 30309736 | 30309728 | 30309728 |
75 | 37158912 | 40011454 | 40011470 | 30309736 | 30386478 | 30309728 | 30405898 |
H75 | 37158912 | 40011447 | 40011462 | 30309736 | 30437818 | 30309728 | 30431159 |
L75 | 37122694 | 40011454 | 40011454 | 30309736 | 30309736 | 30309728 | 30309728 |
100 | 37158912 | 40011538 | 40011488 | 30200745 | 30405203 | 30405872 | 30405864 |
H100 | 37158912 | 40011454 | 40011462 | 30309736 | 30437818 | 30309728 | 30431159 |
L100 | 37767852 | 40011538 | 40011538 | 30200745 | 30200745 | 30405872 | 30405872 |
125 | 37158912 | 40011538 | 40011504 | 30405740 | 30405203 | 30405880 | 30405864 |
H125 | 37158912 | 40011512 | 40011520 | 30405740 | 30370373 | 30405880 | 30407159 |
L125 | 37158912 | 40011538 | 40011538 | 30405740 | 30405740 | 30405880 | 30405880 |
SSR Series Rotary Screw Models | ||||
Model | Special Note | Air Filter | Oil Filter | Separator |
EP 5 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
EP 5 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39588462 | 39313317 | 92824473 |
EP 7.5 | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 88171913 | 39329602 | 39900923 or 39912969 |
EP 7.5 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
EP 7.5 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39588462 | 39313317 | 92824473 |
EP 10 | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 88171913 | 39329602 | 39900923 or 39912969 |
EP 10 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
EP 10 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39588462 | 39313317 | 92824473 |
EP 10 ESP | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 32170979 | 39313317 | 42410530 |
EP 15 | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 88171913 | 39329602 | 39900923 or 39912969 |
EP 15 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39125547 | 39138433 | 39757133 |
EP 15 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 39843693 or 39846787 |
EP 15 ESP | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 39313317 | 42411512 |
EP 20 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39125547 | 39138433 | 39757133 |
EP 20 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 39843693 or 39846787 |
EP 20 ESP | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 42412452 |
EP 25 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39125547 | 39138433 | 39757133 |
EP 25 ESP | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 42412452 |
EPE 25 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 39843693 or 39846787 |
EP 30 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39125547 | 39138433 | 39726286 |
EP 30SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 39831888 |
EP 30 ESP | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 42412452 |
EP 40 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39125547 | 39138433 | 39726286 |
EP 40 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 39831888 |
EP 40 SE | S/N # Begins with G | 39824115 | 39856844 | 39831888 |
EP 50 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39856844 | 39831888 |
EP 50 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39138433 | 39751391 |
EP 50 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39824115 | 39856844 | 39831888 |
EP 50 SE | S/N # Begins with G | 39824115 | 39856844 | 39831888 |
EPE 50 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39856844 | 39831888 |
EP 60 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39911631 | 39863840 or 92754696 |
EP 60 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39123211 | 39863840 or 92754696 |
EP 60 ESP | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 39868765 | 39856844 | 39869706 |
EP 75 | N/A | 39708466 | 39911631 | 39894597 |
EP 75 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39911631 | 39863857 |
EP 75 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39123211 | 39737473 or 92871326 |
EP 75 ESP | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 39868765 | 39856844 | 39869706 |
EP 100 | N/A | 39708466 | 39911631 | 39894597 |
EP 100 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39911631 | 39863857 |
EP 100 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39123211 | 39863857 |
EP 100 ESP | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 39868765 | 39856844 | 39869706 |
EP 125 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39796768 & 39903281 | 39911631 | 39863865 |
EP 125 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39123229 | 39739578 |
EP 150 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39796768 | 39911631 | 39863865 |
EP 150 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39123229 | 39739578 |
EP 200 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39796768 & 39903281 | 39911631 | 39863865 |
EP 200 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39123229 | 39739578 |
EP 250 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39796768 & 39903281 | 39911631 | 39831920 |
EP 250 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39711726 | 39123229 | 39831920 |
EP 300 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39796768 & 39903281 | 39911631 | 39831920 |
EP 300 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39711726 | 39123229 | 39831920 |
EPE 300 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39750732 | 39123229 | 39863881 |
EP 350 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39903265 | 39911631 | 39863881 |
EP 350 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39750732 | 39123229 | 39750369 |
EP 400 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39903265 | 39911631 | 39863881 |
EP 400 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39750732 | 39123229 | 39750369 |
EP 450 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39903265 | 39911631 | 39863881 |
EP 450 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39750732 | 39123229 | 39750369 |
HXP 5 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
HXP 7.5 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
HXP 10 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
HP 7.5 | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 88171913 | 39329602 | 39900923 or 39912969 |
HP 7.5 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
HP 7.5 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39588462 | 39313317 | 92824473 |
HP 10 | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 88171913 | 39329602 | 39900923 or 39912969 |
HP 10 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
HP 10 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39588462 | 39313317 | 92824473 |
HP 15 | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 88171913 | 39329602 | 39900923 or 39912969 |
HP 15 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39125547 | 39138433 | 39757133 |
HP 15 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 39843693 or 39846787 |
HP 20 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39125547 | 39138433 | 39757133 |
HP 20 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 39843693 or 39846787 |
HP 25 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39125547 | 39138433 | 39757133 |
HP 25 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 39843693 or 39846787 |
HPE 25 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 39843693 or 39846787 |
HXP 25 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 39843693 or 39846787 |
HXPE 25 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 39843693 or 39846787 |
HP 30 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39125547 | 39138433 | 39726286 |
HP 30 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 39831888 |
HXP 30 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 39831888 |
HP 40 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39125547 | 39138433 | 39726286 |
HP 40SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39824115 | 92740950 | 39831888 |
HP 40 SE | S/N # Begins with G | 39824115 | 39856844 | 39831888 |
HXP 40SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 39831888 |
HXP 40SE | S/N # Begins with G | 39824115 | 39856844 | 39831888 |
HP 50 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39856844 | 39831888 |
HP 50 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39138433 | 39751391 |
HP 50 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39824115 | 39856844 | 39831888 |
HPE 50 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39856844 | 39831888 |
HXP 50 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39824115 | 39856844 | 39831888 |
HXP 50 SE | S/N # Begins with G | 39824115 | 39856844 | 39831888 |
HP 60 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39911631 | 39863840 |
HP 60 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39123211 | 39863840 |
HP 60 ESP | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 39868765 | 39856844 | 39869706 |
HP 75 | N/A | 39708466 | 39123211 | 39894597 |
HP 75 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39911631 | 39863857 |
HP 75 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39123211 | 39737473 or 92871326 |
HP 75 ESP | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 39868765 | 39856844 | 39869706 |
HP 100 | N/A | 39708466 | 39123211 | 39894597 |
HP 100 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39911631 | 39863857 |
HP 100 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39123211 | 39863857 |
HP 100 ESP | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 39868765 | 39856844 | 39869706 |
HP 125 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39796768 & 39903281 | 39911631 | 39863865 |
HP 125 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39123229 | 39739578 |
HP 150 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39796768 | 39911631 | 39863865 |
HP 150 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39123229 | 39739578 |
HP 200 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39796768 | 39911631 | 39863865 |
HP 200 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39123229 | 39739578 |
HP 250 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39796768 & 39903281 | 39911631 | 39831920 |
HP 250 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39711726 | 39123229 | 39831920 |
HP 300 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39796768 & 39903281 | 39911631 | 39831920 |
HP 300 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39711726 | 39123229 | 39831920 |
HPE 300 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39750732 | 39123229 | 39863881 |
HP 350 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39903265 | 39911631 | 39863881 |
HP 350 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39750732 | 39123229 | 39750369 |
HP 400 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39903265 | 39911631 | 39863881 |
HP 400 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39750732 | 39123229 | 39750369 |
HP 450 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39903265 | 39911631 | 39863881 |
HP 450 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39750732 | 39123229 | 39750369 |
M4 | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 | |
M4 | From 2101200 | 88171913 | 39329602 | 39900923 |
M5.5 | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 | |
M5.5 | From 2121300 | 88171913 | 39329602 | 39900923 |
M7.5 | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 | |
M7.5 | From 2141800 | 88171913 | 39329602 | 39900923 |
M11 | Pre-Intel | 92058825 | 92740950 | 92735547 |
M11 | From 15002 | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 92735547 |
M11 | From 16400 | 93191542 | 92740950 | 92735547 |
M11 | From 2161200 | 88171913 | 39329602 | 39900923 |
M15 | Pre-Intel | 39125547 | 92740950 | 92735547 |
M15 | 24300 to 2180384 | 93191542 | 92740950 | 92735547 |
M15 C | From 2182000 | 89295976 | 54672654 | 89264774 |
M18.5 | 93191542 | 92740950 | 92735547 | |
M18.5 | Pre-Intel | 39125547 | 92740950 | 92735547 |
M18.5 | From 27504 | 92889534 | 92740950 | 92735547 |
M18.5 C | From 2202000 | 89295976 | 54672654 | 89264774 |
M22 | 39125547 | 92740950 | 39751391 | |
M22 | Belt-Driven | 93191542 | 92740950 | 92890334 |
M22 | Gear-Driven | 93191542 | 92740950 | 92754688 |
M22 | Pre-Intel | 39125547 | 92740950 | 92754688 |
M22 | From 38840 | 93191542 | 92740950 | 92890334 |
M22 | From 2221800 | 93191542 | 54672654 | 92890334 |
M22 C | From 2225000 | 89295976 | 54672654 | 89264774 |
M30 | 39125547 | 92740950 | 39751391 | |
M30 | Belt-Driven | 93191542 | 92740950 | 92890334 |
M30 | Gear-Driven | 93191542 | 92740950 | 92754688 |
M30 | Pre-Intel | 39125547 | 92740950 | 92754688 |
M30 | From 43280 | 93191542 | 92740950 | 92890334 |
M30 | From 2241650 | 93191542 | 54672654 | 92890334 |
M37 | Pre-Intel | 39708466 | 92740950 | 92754688 |
M37 | Up to 68548 | 39708466 | 92740950 | 39751391 |
M37 | From 68549 | 39708466 | 92740950 | 92754688 |
M37 | From 2272000 | 88111901 | 54672654 | 92754696 |
M37 B | From 2260600 | 88111901 | 92740950 | 92754696 |
M37 PE | From 2275000 | 22203095 | 54672654 | 92754688 |
M45 | Pre-Intel | 39708466 | 92740950 | 92754696 |
M45 | Up to 45438 | 39708466 | 54672654 | 92754696 |
M45 | From 2280250 | 88111901 | 92740950 | 92754696 |
M50 | Pre-Intel | 39708466 | 92740950 | 39863840 or 92754696 |
M50 | Up to 50181 | 39708466 | 92740950 | 39863840 or 92754696 |
M55 | From 78550 | 39708466 | 92740950 | 92871326 |
M55 | From 78692 | 39708466 | 92740950 | 92871326 |
M55 | From 2320700 | 89266761 | 54672654 | 54601513 |
M75 | Pre-Intel | 39708466 | 92740950 | 92722750 |
M75 | From 82000 | 39708466 | 92740950 | 92722750 |
M75 | From 2340700 | 89266761 | 54672654 | 54601513 |
M75-2S | From 2500001 | 39708466 | 54672654 | 92765783 |
M90 | Pre-Intel | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M90 | Up to 60226 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92062132 |
M90 | From 60227-60788 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M90 | From 60804-2360445 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M90 | From 2360446 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M90-2S | From 2510001 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M110 | Pre-Intel | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M110 | Up to 62273 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92062132 |
M110 | From 62274-62928 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M110 | Up to 62953 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92062132 |
M110 | From 62954-2380443 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M110 | From 2380444 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M110-2S | From 2520001 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M132 | Pre-Intel | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M132 | Up to 64165 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92062132 |
M132 | From 64166-65053 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M132 | From 64903-2400243 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M132 | From 2400244 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M132-2S | 39708466 | 92740943 | 93188019 | |
M132-2S | From 2530001 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M150 | Pre-Intel | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M150 | Up to 66273 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92062132 |
M150 | From 66274 to 67059 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M150 | From 67060-2420399 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M150-2S | 39708466 | 92740943 | 93188019 | |
M150-2S | From 2540001 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M160 | From 2420400 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M160-2S | From 2540240 | 39708466 | 92740943 | 92765783 |
M200 | Pre-Intel | 39750732 | 92888262 | 39760590 |
M200 | From 2440050 | 39903265 | 92888262 | 54509500 |
M200-2S | 39750732 | 92888262 | 39863873 | |
M200-2S | From 2450180 | 39903265 | 92888262 | 54509500 |
M200-2S | BISTADIO (2 STAGE) | 39903265 | 92755230 | 89213011 |
M250 | Pre-Intel | 39750732 | 92888262 | 39760590 |
M250 | From 2450014 | 39903265 | 92888262 | 54509500 |
M250-2S | 39750732 | 92888262 | 39863873 | |
M250-2S | From 2560170 | 39903265 | 92888262 | 54509500 |
M300 | Pre-Intel | 39750732 | 92755230 | 92785328 |
M300-2S | From 2570014 | 39903265 | 92888262 | 89213011 |
M350 | Pre-Intel | 39750732 | 92755230 | 92785328 |
M350-2S | From 2580027 | 39903265 | 92888262 | 89213011 |
MH4 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
MH 5 | 88171913 | 39329602 | 39900923 | |
MH5.5 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
MH7.5 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
MH11 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 92735547 |
MH15 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 92735547 |
MH18.5 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 92735547 |
MH22 C | 89265976 | 54672654 | 89264774 | |
MH75 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39123211 | 39863857 |
MH250 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39750732 | 39123229 | 39750369 |
MH300 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39750732 | 39123229 | 39750369 |
MH350 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39750732 | 39123229 | 39750369 |
ML4 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
ML5.5 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
ML7.5 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
ML11 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 92735547 |
ML15 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 92735547 |
ML18.5 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92889534 & 42855429 | 92740950 | 92735547 |
ML75 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39123211 | 39863857 |
ML250 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39750732 | 39123229 | 39750369 |
ML300 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39750732 | 39123229 | 39750369 |
MM75 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39123211 | 39863857 |
MM250 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39750732 | 39123229 | 39750369 |
MM300 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39750732 | 39123229 | 39750369 |
MM350 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39750732 | 39123229 | 39750369 |
MU4 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
MU5.5 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
MU7.5 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
MU11 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92740950 | 92735547 |
MU15 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92740950 | 92735547 |
MU18.5 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92740950 | 92735547 |
XF 5 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
XF 5 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39588462 | 39313317 | 92824473 |
XF 7.5 | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 88171913 | 39329602 | 39900923 or 39912969 |
XF 7.5 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
XF 7.5 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39588462 | 39313317 | 92824473 |
XF 10 | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 88171913 | 39329602 | 39900923 or 39912969 |
XF 10 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
XF 10 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39588462 | 39313317 | 92824473 |
XF 15 | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 88171913 | 39329602 | 39900923 or 39912969 |
XF 50 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39856844 | 39831888 |
XF 50 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39138433 | 39751391 |
XF 50 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39824115 | 39856844 | 39831888 |
XFE 50 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39123211 | 39863840 or 92754696 |
XF 60 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39911631 | 39863840 or 92754696 |
XF 60 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39123211 | 39863840 or 92754696 |
XF 60 ESP | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 39868765 | 39856844 | 39869706 |
XF 75 | N/A | 39708466 | 39911631 | 39894597 |
XF 75 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39911631 | 39863857 |
XF 75 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39123211 | 39737473 or 92871326 |
XF 75 ESP | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 39868765 | 39856844 | 39869706 |
XF 100 | N/A | 39708466 | 39911631 | 39894597 |
XF 100 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39911631 | 39863857 |
XF 100 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39123211 | 39863857 |
XF 100 ESP | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 39868765 | 39856844 | 39869706 |
XF 125 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39796768 & 39903281 | 39911631 | 39863865 |
XF 125 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39123229 | 39739578 |
XF 150 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39796768 & 39903281 | 39911631 | 39863865 |
XF 150 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39123229 | 39739578 |
XF 200 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39796768 & 39903281 | 39911631 | 39863865 |
XF 200 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39708466 | 39123229 | 39739578 |
XF 250 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39796768 & 39903281 | 39911631 | 39831920 |
XF 250 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39711726 | 39123229 | 39831920 |
XF 300 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39796768 & 39903281 | 39911631 | 39831920 |
XF 300 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39711726 | 39123229 | 39831920 |
XFE 300 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39750732 | 39123229 | 39863881 |
XF 350 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39750732 | 39911631 | 39863881 |
XF 350 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39750732 | 39123229 | 39750369 |
XF 400 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39750732 | 39911631 | 39863881 |
XF 400 | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39750732 | 39123229 | 39750369 |
XP 5 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
XP 5 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 39313317 | 92824473 |
XP 7.5 | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 88171913 | 39329602 | 39900923 or 39912969 |
XP 7.5 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
XP 7.5 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 39313317 | 92824473 |
XP 10 | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 88171913 | 39329602 | 39900923 or 39912969 |
XP 10 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39588462 | 92824598 | 92824473 |
XP 10 SE | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 92888718 & 39588462 | 39313317 | 92824473 |
XP 15 | Non-Intel - 50/60Hz | 88171913 | 39329602 | 39900923 or 39912969 |
XP 50 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39856844 | 39831888 |
XP 60 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39911631 | 39863840 |
XP 75 | N/A | 39708466 | 39911631 | 39894597 |
XP 75 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39911631 | 39863857 |
XP 100 | N/A | 39708466 | 39911631 | 39894597 |
XP 100 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39708466 | 39911631 | 39863857 |
XP 125 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39796768 & 39903281 | 39911631 | 39863865 |
XP 150 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39796768 & 39903281 | 39911631 | 39863865 |
XP 200 | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39796768 & 39903281 | 39911631 | 39863865 |
ESH/V Lube Models | |||
Machine Size | Gasket/Packing/Ring Kit | Valve Maintenance Kit | Valve Quantity |
6 X 5 | 37123379 | 37100062 | 4 |
7X5 | 37123395 | 37100062 | 4 |
8 X 5 | 37123411 | 37100070 | 4 |
8X7 | 37123452 | 37100070 | 4 |
9X7 | 37123478 | 37100088 | 4 |
9.5 X 7 | 37123494 | 37100088 | 4 |
10X9 | 37123510 | 37123296 | 8 |
11 X 7 | 37178217 | 37178233 | 8 |
12 X 9 | 37123536 | 37123312 | 12 |
12X11 | 37123577 | 37123312 | 12 |
14 X 9 | 37123544 | 37123338 | 12 |
14X11 | 37123593 | 37123338 | 12 |
ESH/V Non-Lube Models | |
Machine Size | Valve Maintenance Kit |
7 X 5 | 37100096 |
9.5 X 7 | 37100112 |
12 X 11 | 37123304 |
14 X 11 | 37123320 |
LLE Models | |||||
Model | Air Filter | H.P. Valve Maintenance Kit | L.P. Valve Maintenance Kit | Oil Filter | Regulator Repair Kit |
LL2 | W111637T3 | N/A | N/A | 30472161 | 40007916 |
LL3 | W111637T3 | 40009250 | N/A | 30472161 | 40007916 |
LL4 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 30472161 | 40007916 |
LL5 | 37158920 | N/A | 40009318 | 30472161 | N/A |
XLE Lube Models | |||||
Machine Size | Frame Gasket Kit | H.P Valve Maintenance Kit | H.P. Cylinder Gasket Kit | L.P. Valve Maintenance Kit | Oil Filter |
14.5 & 9 X 7 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 30472161 |
16 & 10 X 7 | 37153244 | 37165610 | 37165420 | 37165602 | 30472161 |
17 & 10 X 7 | 37153244 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 30472161 |
19.5 & 11.5 X 7 | 37153244 | 37165586 | N/A | 39177258 | 30472161 |
18.5 & 11.5 x 8.5 | 37165404 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 30472161 |
20.5 & 12.5 X 8.5 | 37165404 | 37165586 | 37165560 | 39177258 | N/A |
21.5 & 12.5 X 8.5 | 37165404 | N/A | N/A | 39177258 | 30472161 |
23 & 13 X 8.5 | N/A | 37165594 | 40063349 | 39177282 | 30472161 |
22 & 13.5 X 10 | 37165412 | 37165594 | N/A | N/A | 30472161 |
24.25 & 14.5 X 10 | 37165412 | 37165594 | 37165446 | N/A | 30472161 |
25 & 14.5 X 10 | 37165412 | 37165594 | 37165446 | 39177282 | 30472161 |
26 & 14.5 X 10 | 37165412 | N/A | N/A | 39177274 | 30472161 |
28 & 16 X 10 | 37165412 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 30472161 |
19 & 11.5 x 8.5 | 37165404 | 37165578 | 37165552 | 39177266 | 30472161 |
XLE Non-Lube Models | ||||||
Machine Size | Frame Gasket Kit | H.P Valve Maintenance Kit | H.P. Cylinder Gasket Kit | L.P. Cylinder Gasket Kit | L.P. Valve Maintenance Kit | Oil Filter |
14.5 & 9 X 7 | 37153244 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 30472161 |
16 &10 X 7 | 37153244 | N/A | 37165420 | N/A | N/A | 30472161 |
17 & 10 X 7 | 37153244 | 37165701 | N/A | 37165461 | 37165693 | 30472161 |
19.5 & 11.5 X 7 | N/A | 37165669 | 40063323 | N/A | 37165727 | 30472161 |
18.5 & 11.5 x 8.5 | N/A | 37165669 | 37165552 | N/A | N/A | 30472161 |
19 & 11.5 x 8.5 | 37165404 | 37165669 | N/A | N/A | 37165719 | 30472161 |
20.5 & 12.5 X 8.5 | 37165404 | 37165669 | 37165560 | N/A | 37165727 | 30472161 |
21.5 & 12.5 X 8.5 | 37165404 | N/A | 37165560 | N/A | 37165727 | 30472161 |
23 & 13 X 8.5 | 37165404 | 37165685 | N/A | N/A | 37165735 | 30472161 |
22 & 13.5 X 10 | 37165412 | 37165685 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 30472161 |
24.25 & 14.5 X 10 | N/A | N/A | 37165446 | N/A | 37165735 | 30472161 |
25 & 14.5 X 10 | 37165412 | 37165685 | 37165446 | 37165511 | N/A | 30472161 |
26 & 14.5 X 10 | 37165412 | 37165685 | N/A | N/A | 37165743 | 30472161 |
28 & 16 X 10 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 37165743 | 30472161 |
U Series Models | |||||
Model | Special Note | Air Filter Housing | Air Filter Element | Oil Filter | Separator |
EP 15 U | Intellisys/Pre-Intel | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
EP 20 U | Intellisys/Pre-Intel | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
EP 25 U | Intellisys/Pre-Intel | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
EPE 25 U | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | N/A | 39449293 | 39460456 | 42361204 |
EP 30 U | Intellisys/Pre-Intel | N/A | 39449293 | 39460456 | 42361204 |
EP 40 U | Intellisys/Pre-Intel | N/A | 39449293 | 39460456 | 42361204 |
HP 15 U | Intellisys/Pre-Intel | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
HP 20 U | Intellisys/Pre-Intel | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
HP 25 U | Intellisys/Pre-Intel | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
HP 30 U | Intellisys/Pre-Intel | N/A | 39449293 | 39460456 | 42361204 |
HP 40 U | Intellisys/Pre-Intel | N/A | 39449293 | 39460456 | 42361204 |
XP 15 U | Intellisys/Pre-Intel | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
XP 20 U | Intellisys/Pre-Intel | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
XP 25 U | Intellisys/Pre-Intel | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
XP 30 U | Intellisys/Pre-Intel | N/A | 39449293 | 39460456 | 42361204 |
XP 40 U | Intellisys/Pre-Intel | N/A | 39449293 | 39460456 | 42361204 |
U10 HSP | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
U10 HHSP | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
U10 XSP | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
U15 HSP | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
U15 HHSP | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
U15 XSP | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
U20 HSP | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
U20 HHSP | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
U20 XSP | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
U25 HSP | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
U25 HHSP | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
U25 LESP | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | N/A | 39449293 | 39460456 | 42361204 |
U25 HESP | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | N/A | 39449293 | 39460456 | 42361204 |
U25 XSP | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | 39763156 | 39756952 | 39446489 | 42361196 |
U30 HSP | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | N/A | 39449293 | 39460456 | 42361204 |
U30 HHSP | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | N/A | 39449293 | 39460456 | 42361204 |
U30 XSP | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | N/A | 39449293 | 39460456 | 42361204 |
U40 HSP | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | N/A | 39449293 | 39460456 | 42361204 |
U40 HHSP | Pre-Intel - 60Hz | N/A | 39449293 | 39460456 | 42361204 |
U40 XSP | Intellisys - 50/60Hz | N/A | 39449293 | 39460456 | 42361204 |
UP5-4 | 50/60Hz | 89243778 | 88171913 | 39329602 | 22388045 |
UP5-5.5 | 50/60Hz | 89243778 | 88171913 | 39329602 | 22388045 |
UP5-7.5 | 50/60Hz | 89243778 | 88171913 | 39329602 | 22388045 |
UP5-11C | 50Hz | 89243778 | 88171913 | 39329602 | 22388045 |
UP5-15C | 60Hz | 89243778 | 88171913 | 39329602 | 22388045 |
UP5-11 | From 2170000 | 89265300 | 89295976 | 54672654 | 54749247 |
UP5-15 | From 2190000 | 89265300 | 89295976 | 54672654 | 54749247 |
UP5-18 | From 2210000 | 89265300 | 89295976 | 54672654 | 54749247 |
UP5-22 | From 2230000 | 89265300 | 89295976 | 54672654 | 54749247 |
UP5-22 E | From 2235000 | N/A | 22203095 | 54672654 | 54749247 |
UP5-30 | From 2245000 | N/A | 22203095 | 54672654 | 54749247 |
UP5-37 PE | N/A | 22203095 | 54672654 | 54749247 | |
UP6-5 | 60Hz | 89243778 | 88171913 | 39329602 | 22388045 |
UP6-7.5 | 60Hz | 89243778 | 88171913 | 39329602 | 22388045 |
UP6-10 | 60Hz | 89243778 | 88171913 | 39329602 | 22388045 |
UP6-15C | 60Hz | 89243778 | 88171913 | 39329602 | 22388045 |
UP6-15 | 60Hz | 89265300 | 89295976 | 54672654 | 54749247 |
UP6-20 | 60Hz | 89265300 | 89295976 | 54672654 | 54749247 |
UP6-25 | 60Hz | 89265300 | 89295976 | 54672654 | 54749247 |
UP6-30 | 60Hz | 89265300 | 89295976 | 54672654 | 54749247 |
UP6-40 | 60Hz | N/A | 22203095 | 54672654 | 54749247 |
UP6-50 PE | 60Hz | N/A | 22203095 | 54672654 | 54749247 |
In the next news, we will continue to update the information of other brands, please stay tuned!