Common Failure Analysis(2)
Continuing with the previous news, a brief explanation of other common fault causes:
(3) The oil separator core burst.
The bursting of the oil separator core is generally the result of problems with the consumption filter, and some of the following reasons may cause the oil separator core to blow out:
1. Incorrect start-up sequence.
2. The oil pressure difference is too big, beyond the support network capacity.
3. The minimum pressure valve failure.
4. The machine is running with an air pressure pulse.
5. Irrational design of the oil separation tank.
6. Engine overheating: If the engine is overheated, the viscosity of the destruction will be reduced, which may lead to the destruction of the cartridge of the filter element, which is subjected to excessive pressure, which will lead to bursting.
7. Quality problems: low-quality or substandard consumption filters may be easy to burst because their structure and materials may withstand the pressure and temperature of the engine.
8. Improper installation: If the damaged filter element is installed incorrectly or installation is not tight, it may lead to damage or increased pressure, resulting in a filter burst.
9. Filter aging: loss filter element will be aged with time, losing its structural strength, and therefore more susceptible to pressure and vibration.
The bursting of the wear filter may lead to breakage, damage to the engine, and lead to engine performance recovery. It is recommended to prevent this by regularly replacing broken filters with high-quality ones, following the manufacturer's recommendations for replacement, and ensuring that corrosion filters are installed correctly. In the event of a blown filter element, replace the filter immediately and inspect the engine for damage.
(4) Oil portion burnout.
Oil fraction burnout usually refers to the degradation in the initial overheating, resulting in degradation and combustion, and the following reasons may cause this:
1. The oil circuit system failure, the host instantaneous lack of oil produces high temperature to the oil fraction of the filter paper ignited.
2. There are flammable materials in the host (such as paper, fiber, cotton fabric, and flammable gases around the rotor, and so on.), this situation is expected in the assembly of the new machine or the host after overhaul into the host of foreign objects in the head compression under the production of open flames into the oil and gas barrels will be the oil fraction ignited.
3. The conductive static electricity system circuit breakers, machine regular use of static electricity can not be exported promptly caused by sparks leading to oil burned.
4. Oil quality problems, poor oxidation resistance, resulting in carbon and sludge, long residual in the pipeline of the machine, these impurities into the host, after compression it is easy to produce an open flame, to reach the oil and gas barrel to burn the oil core.
5. Circuit fire or external causes of fire leading to open fire from the air intake into the machine to burn the oil core.
6. The oil pump problem: oil pump failure or abnormal operation may lead to the destruction of the cycle, which is not enough to make part of the consumption of higher temperatures. Excessive oil level: overfill will increase the regeneration temperature because regeneration in the pool will be more susceptible to heat.
7. Engine problems: specific problems within the engine, such as piston rings, piston wall damage, or piston head sealing problems, may cause damage to enter the combustion chamber and be burned.
Damage burnout can lead to loss of lubrication and protection, which may damage engine components and lead to engine performance recovery. For protection against damage burnout, it is recommended that you replace damage regularly with high-quality damage, follow the manufacturer's recommendations for damage replacement, make sure the damage is in the proper place within the range, check the operation of the oil pump and engine regularly, and use the type of damage causing damage that applies to your damage and engine. If the cause of the damage is found, repairs should be made immediately to prevent damage to the engine further.